“ With my unjust dealings with a nursing board ruling against me with impunity, I feel so blessed to have found Darlene Nelson. She had my back every step of the way, including helping me write my request for reconsideration letter to the board after their baseless ruling. I’m lucky enough to have had a positive outcome as the board capitulated and withdrew their ruling. I could not have done this without Darlene’s help.” Tom Maxwell
"Darlene and Associates have been an amazing resource while I’m dealing with the board of nursing. They literally are the first knowledgeable people who have listened to my entire situation while asking pointed and important questions. The Board has contacted not one person, not even me!, to see what the real story is. They have provided me with education on the process, a check list to make sure my lawyer has requested everything she has legal right to ask for, as well as codes backing up all of my decisions. I feel much more confident going in to my mediation and am planning on helping them see to it that the Nursing Board has appropriate oversight in the future to help other nurses. I can’t recommend these people enough. You NEED them on your side!" Michelle R
Darlene and Maggie are outstanding nurse advocates and consultants that go above and beyond for their fellow nurse when called before the Texas BON. They are very knowledgeable in Texas Board of Nursing procedures, Nurse Practice Act, informal conferences, pretrial mediation and expert witness at SOAH. They are a great and much needed support system to help you every step of the way to resolving the complaint.