Civil case against nurse causes license investigation from a PRESSURE ULCER ......
Dec 11, 2019
For my folks that we worked ICU at Wilford Hall I want to be really clear that the lawsuit that probably several of us were named in many years ago could have ended in US being reported to the board and not the nurse who was! THIS COULD HAVE BEEN ANY OF US who got lost in this process! I think as nurses we think IT CAN'T HAPPEN TO US and your wrong!!! It can and we must demand a due process! That's all we are asking for OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT OF DUE PROCESS!!
Please ask questions or comment we want feedback! We need feedback!
I've been to the Capital this session and spoken to representatives who told me NO ONE OVERSEES OUR BOARD IN TEXAS. Have in writing from the GOVENOR OF TEXAS THAT NO ONE OVER SEES THE BOARD OF NURSING!!!! WHAT WHAT??!!! Yes that's real! Even our reps didn't know that there is no oversight for any board in Texas! There are currently 5 cases against the medical board and sooner than later there will be against the board of nursing!
If you have been investigated, being investigated reach out to us! There is a way to complain about the board to the board and we have the first case that is being re opened! Come talk to us!!!!