Texas BON. 2017 Hundreds of Nurses Lives Destroyed. Even With UNADJUDICATED Charges.
Jan 5, 2019
The Texas Board of Nursing posted on their wall of shame, and in their newsletter, 175 names of nurses disciplined in 2017. This list does not include the hundreds of nurses who have UNADJUDICATED charges though they have been reported to the National Data Bank effectively blacklisting them. No employer hires a practitioner listed in the National Data Bank. Do you believe all these nurses are really guilty of being denied the right to practice? In 2017 hundreds of nurses had their lives ruined. Even charges that are only warnings are reported and even if found not guilty their names will never be removed from the National Data Bank. That is not due process, it is not indicative of an interest in the truth. Therefore, it is not a commitment to protecting the public. Instead it is a witch hunt. #nursing#healthcare#patientsafety#hospitals#health#justice#licensing#rights